Ascended Masters are beings of love and light who have reached the highest level of ascension and are available at any time we call upon them for support or guidance.
Some of these Masters such as Gautama Buddha, Jesus or Quan Yin have spent incarnations on Earth, others haven't.

When we invoke the Ascended Masters we open ourselves up to their love, support, wisdom and guidance.
Recite this invocation from Diana Cooper every morning to bring higher gifts, perspectives and guidance to your day:
"I now invoke the Ascended Masters:
El Morya to strengthen my higher will and give me leadership with integrity.
Lanto to enable me to feel the wisdom radiating from my heart centre
Paul the Venetian to strengthen my heartfelt creativity
Quan Yin to hold me in unconditional love
Mary Magdelene to help me accept everyone with love and compassion
Meitreya to enable me to be the Christ light and radiate it
Melchizedek to help me live in peace and togetherness
Kumeka to light my way
Voosloo to keep my life in balance
Gautama to show me my highest pathway
Serapis Bey to strengthen my understanding of sacred symbols
Hilarion to help me understand spiritual technology and apply it in a 5D way
Lady Nada to open me to higher spiritual understandings and the wisdom of the universe
Rakoczy to adapt my human body to cope with the new energies
Jesus to help me tread my true path with courage
St Germain to show me the potential of the new Age
Commander Ashtar to help me access the wisdom of the stars
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being with me, for blessing me with your gifts and divine presence, and for supporting me today and everyday."
Let me know how you get on!
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